30 Day Drama Challenge (or more like 10 Day Drama Challenge)

I slack off and give up easily. Determined to improve myself, I have decided to take on a challenge to change these bad habits of mine by doing the 30 Day Drama Challenge. For those who don't know, every day for 30 days, I have to answer 1 question related to dramas. I don't want to spam so I'll be doing 3 a day, so this is more like a 10 Day Drama Challenge. Here is a preview of the ten posts I will be making.

Day 1: Describe dramas in one word.
When did you start watching dramas?
first drama
Day 2: download or stream?
 Which drama made you cry?
The worst drama you have seen?
Day 3: favorite couple
favorite male character
 favorite female character
Day 4: character most like you
 least favorite male character
least favorite female character
Day 5: favorite genre of drama
favorite thing about your favorite actor/actress
favorite character your favorite actor/actress has played
Day 6: favorite episode
 favorite scene
favorite bromance
Day 7: favorite makeover
favorite year
Which drama would you like another season for?
Day 8: Have you rewatched a drama more than 3 times? If yes, which one?
favorite OST
How many dramas have you seen in total?
Day 9: funniest drama
favorite dramas of every year since 2008
benefits of dramas
Day 10: Which drama(s) are you currently watching?
 top 5 dramas
Dramas I recommend for starters.

The truth is, I'm pretty sure I'll be missing days and either post them late or not at all. This is, however, a good start and I hope you will accompany me on this journey.
