In Time With You vs. The Time We Were Not In Love
In Time With You vs. The Time We Were Not In Love
In Time With You

This 2011, 13 episode drama is one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas of all time. Starring Taiwan's now grown up sweetheart, Ariel Lin, and a male lead that took Taiwan by storm, Chen Bolin.
Chen You Qing is a the manager of a shoe manufacturer. On her 30th birthday, her male best friend since high school, Lin Da Ren, sends her an email with a list of symptoms of aging. As she goes down the list one by one, she realizes that she is aging. He describes her as a shriveled grape while he is a bottle of high quality red wine that becomes more expensive as time goes by. You Qing makes a bet with him; whoever gets married first before 35, will get a huge amount of red pocket money at their wedding. They search for potential candidates but they soon realize that no is more fit for them than each other; however, they always seem to miss the opportunity to tell each other their true feelings. Also, Da Ren once said he would never like You Qing, so she never dared to see him as a potential candidate.
The Time We Were Not In Love

Starring the beloved actress, Ha Jiwon, and Lee Jinwook, is the new 2015 Korean remake of the highly successful drama, In Time With You. Oh Ha Na is the team leader of a shoe comapany. Her best friend is Choi Won, an assistant purser and long time neighbor. He once thought she liked him and rejected her. They make a bet saying that in the next year, whoever gets married first will have to give the other $5000.
I watched one episode and I already knew I like the Taiwanese version more. The female lead has a stronger persoanilty in the Taiwanese version, while in the Korean version, she has a lot of aegyo. The Taiwanese female lead is more relatable. She is a woman who lacks love but refuses to appear weak by pretending to have a strong personality. As for the male leads, the Taiwanese best friend is a better best friend who is always there for her. I personally think that the Taiwanese version's lead have better chemistry.
I think that if you like the Korean version, then you will also love the Taiwanese version just as much, or even more.
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